Grocery Delivery Virginia Beach
Looking for a grocery delivery service in Virginia Beach? Look no further Errand Wizards is your answer! We’ll shop your favorite grocery store (or any store) and deliver to your front door. Need assistance putting the groceries away? We do that too! We magically make your life easier.
Are you tierd of waiting for Instacart’s? If you don’t know what Instacart is, it’s an on-demand grocery delivery service that uses independent contractors to deliver groceries right to your door. We’d have to agree Instacart is convenient and extremely user friendly and most Virginia Beach grocery stores like Food Lion, Wegmans, Walmart have partnered with them just to name a few.
So whats the catch and why would I want to use anything else? Well, it’s the cost. How does it all work you ask? That’s a good question. The cost varies depending on the city you’re in, what time you order and how many items are in your order. The fee on the bottom line can range from $3-$10 or more not including a tip. We’d recommend tipping as this is how the shoppers make their money (it’s like any other service industry job). That doesn’t sound bad you say? It really doesn’t that’s why we ordered it ourselves to see how it all worked!
If you think about it, we know Instacart has to make money for their product (technology app) and the grocery store needs to make money and the shoppers need to make money, so how is this done? It’s built into the grocery costs and set by the grocery stores. Yup! So the prices are dynamic. Not only based on time, items but also you pay more for the actual food in most cases if you shop on line.
We think Instacart is neat, but if you need help, don’t want to wait or want to compare pricing of the services give Errand Wizards a call. In most cases customers will send their shopping list directly to us. That’s right you can shop online from your favorite store and forward your list (easily downloadable – if you don’t know how we can walk you through it!). We don’t have all the fancy technologies of Instacart but we’ll get the shopping done on a personal level and almost always same day.
Add a little magic to your day and fill out the quick response form to the right or click below to get started!